Who We Are
Industry Established and Highly Qualified
The Get Group is an engineering and scientific investigation and analysis firm committed to providing clear answers to the most challenging technical problems. Our technical expertise, practical experience, and technological resources, combined with our extensive diagnostic, analytical, and physical testing capabilities, create an ideal environment for generating solutions.
Because our licensed Professional Engineers (PE) and Professional Geologists (PG) have extensive industry and litigation expertise, Get is uniquely positioned to provide clients with rock-solid defensible results. Our capable and experienced personnel, abundant resources, and state-of-the-art test facilities, labs, and equipment, allow Get to effectively compete in the demanding and dynamic market that exists today.
Innovative Management
The quality of the client’s experience depends on the quality of our people. Get has a collaborative approach to problem solving that involves quick response and efficient staffing, providing a reasonably priced, customizable, and overall better service experience. We ensure that training programs address the latest needs within the markets and drive our personnel to pursue further skills and certifications.
Each professional has immediate access to our extensive network of technical disciplines; Civil, Chemical, Electrical, Geo-technical, Marine, Materials, Mechanical, Metallurgical and Structural Engineers, as well as Fire Investigators and Environmental Scientists. We can deploy the right team to your site in any situation, simple to complex, under any time constraints.
The Get Group is a certified woman-owned business.