Better Science, Better Results: Infrastructure Case Studies

MERIT is proven to reduce costs and remediation time associated with subsurface void, soil type, and groundwater issues. We have a solid track record of providing our clients with better science and better results than what’s commonly available in geologic industries today. Our clients consistently use MERIT data to drive down costs and time associated with investigating and remediating their sites.

MERIT Saves Florida Millions on Repair Costs to Infrastructure

Problem: A sinkhole on a private property adjacent to the Florida Turnpike leads to slumping of two lanes and six inch differential movement of the sound barrier, threatening a 54″ pressurized water main.
Results: The MERIT survey identified two distinct geophysical anomalies located in the subsurface, suggesting a sinkhole development type called cover-collapse. Cover-collapse sinkhole formation occurs when the underlying limestone is covered by significant layer of clay. Dissolution of the limestone creates a void in the clay which will eventually collapse.
Outcome: An engineering proposal was put forward to create an above ground bridge spanning the affected subsurface area identified in the MERIT images. Without MERIT to elucidate the problem, the cost of engineering and ensuring the safety of the infrastructure would have tripled from $2 million to $6 million.

MERIT Investigates Sinkhole Threat to Natural Gas Pipeline

Problem: Aerial surveys identified a section of exposed pressurized gas main adjacent to a North Florida creek. Ground survey identified sinkhole swallets near the pipeline. Initial surface geophysical investigation identified an anomaly 80 feet in length near the exposed pipeline.
Results: MERIT was deployed to provide high resolution imaging of the originally identified anomaly, resulting in the precise identification of a 20 foot wide feature instead of the original 80 feet assessment.
Outcome: Florida gas was able to focus their engineering efforts on the area defined by MERIT, reducing time and cost to 25% of the original bid.